Online safety websites for parents

National Online Safety We make it our mission to make the internet a safer place for children. We believe that through our engaging Online Safety training resources for school staff, parents and children, we can make a difference. Download and share our free online safety leaflets and resources to help parents support children as they navigate the online world. Children use the internet in different ways depending on their age and so we’ve developed checklists for parents that give you top tips on how to help them stay safe.

In school, we have regular e-safety lessons and activities to remind children of the Kidsmart is an award winning internet safety website for parents and those   We'll cover how to control what they can see on websites, how to manage what they can Parents Need to Monitor Their Children's Online Activity Closer. Parents' Guides from the National Online Safety Website - Please ask in school for more info. Age_Ratings_January_2019.pdf  This page has information for parents and carers about online safety. Please ask at the main office or via the 'contact us' link on our website for any other  Helping kids stay safe while online is something many families are concerned about. information from to help parents stay informed about age- specific from websites, helpful hints for how to involve a safe adult, and information 

An information and advice sheet for parents and carers including links to web-based resources such as Internet Matters, ChildLine, CEOP and the Internet Watch Foundation. Download the leaflet for free at: Information and resources sheet. The leaflet can be ordered in batches of 50. Postage and packing costs apply.

with your children. Parents Homepage I'd like information and advice on keeping my child safe New - Jessie & Friends: online safety for 4-7 year olds. 29 Feb 2016 Many young people are sophisticated in the way they use social media apps and websites, tailoring their communication for different audiences,  7 Jul 2019 This thorough guide shows parents how to keep their kids safe, the most popular online apps and websites that parents should understand. Get advice and information to help protect your children from dangers lurking in both the online and offline… Resources. Keeping America's Children Safe · Violent  BBC WebWise Advice for parents regarding keeping their child safe on line. Website Menu. Home · About Us · Welcome · Visions and Values · Our curriculum   E-Safety: some helpful advice. Supporting young people online.pdf · Apps and Websites Parents should know about.pdf · SMBC Esafety Toolkit for Parent and  17 Jul 2019 Ask your child to show you how their favourite website or device works as a way to start an online safety conversation. Ask them to explain how 

We want our website to provide parents/carers/pupils will a range of information to help them keep safe online. See also the e-safety websites via link to right of 

Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online. As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. You don't  Guide for parents and carers on how to keep children safe on the internet, includes Advice on parental controls. Website Let's talk about life online. Website  Find advice for parents and carers to help children have safe, enjoyable experiences online. users to either text or video chat with other users through their website. An e- safety guide discussing what parents and carers need to know about in-game 

E-Safety - guides for parents and pupils - Woodbridge School says: This website outlines 10 top tips for staying safe online, ranging from 'Don't post any 

We know that online safety is often a new topic for most parents. Our advice and resources can help you take simple steps to ensure that your children are  In school, we have regular e-safety lessons and activities to remind children of the Kidsmart is an award winning internet safety website for parents and those   We'll cover how to control what they can see on websites, how to manage what they can Parents Need to Monitor Their Children's Online Activity Closer. Parents' Guides from the National Online Safety Website - Please ask in school for more info. Age_Ratings_January_2019.pdf  This page has information for parents and carers about online safety. Please ask at the main office or via the 'contact us' link on our website for any other  Helping kids stay safe while online is something many families are concerned about. information from to help parents stay informed about age- specific from websites, helpful hints for how to involve a safe adult, and information  Welcome to the Albion Primary School Website, Rotherhithe, London. websites . NSPCC Online Safety Partnership - Giving parents and families the skills and 

Online digital safety is an important concept that educators and parents can discuss You can filter text messages as well as websites your child can access  

Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online. As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. You don't  Guide for parents and carers on how to keep children safe on the internet, includes Advice on parental controls. Website Let's talk about life online. Website  Find advice for parents and carers to help children have safe, enjoyable experiences online.

Webinar: engaging parents with online safety Video for Primary Parents to explain how online safety is approached in Internet Matters website for parents. This guide helps parents make sense of the online threats relevant to different age Protect their kids online; Teach their children safe and responsible online help them to set up their account with a gaming or educational website (i.e., Hot  Will the parents be home? Which websites are okay to visit? and resources on how to become a good digital parent from the Family Online Safety Institute.